Ask the Expert – Verhoeven

Peet Geerlings, Verhoeven Sales Manager & Mitchel van Loon, Verhoeven Sales Engineer, explain how Verhoeven’s Bakepack division delivers seamless, sustainable and efficient systems

Can you tell us about Verhoeven’s expertise in packaging solutions for the bakery industry and how it addresses the specific needs of this sector?

Verhoeven Bakery Equipment Family is able to deliver turn-key projects for high demanding customers. One of the unique selling points of Bakepack, a member of the Verhoeven Bakery Equipment Family, is the coordination and Integration of premium packaging machines that are part of an industrial bakery.

As you can imagine, designing a packaging line for your product requires a lot of expertise and knowledge to come up with the right packaging solution. We at Bakepack are experts in designing a packaging area! Not only do we have the knowledge and partners for the right packaging machine(s), but we truly integrate multiple packaging machines into a turnkey packaging line.

We add total project management, controls, tracking and tracing, installation and commissioning, and a general commercial contract to the packaging line. Our customers can seek advise on the type of packaging equipment that best suits their needs, and we can communicate through our project manager, who will take care of the mechanical, process and controls integration.

What are the key challenges bakery manufacturers face in terms of packaging, and how do Verhoeven’s solutions help overcome these?

We see more often that our customers are asking for high capacity & flexibility on the production lines, which has a massive impact on the way of packaging and the way of handling the products to the packaging area.

What equipment is capable of packaging all these types of products? More importantly, where do you add redundancy? Where to add buffering? Where to add a line switch? What is the easiest route for the operators to get the packaging material they needs? How can software help improve overall equipment effectiveness? As an independent supplier of end-of-line solutions and a manufacturer of handling equipment for the packaging line, we believe that managing the entire packaging project is key to achieving the best overall equipment effectiveness. Sustainability is a growing concern across industries.

How is Verhoeven innovating to make bakery packaging more eco-friendly without compromising functionality?

There are several trends and topics regarding packaging lines. Do we use carton boxes vs. crates, do we use paper vs. plastic, do we print on label vs. direct on the box, do we palletize on wooden vs. plastic pallets? There are many options.

As a manufacturer of original handling equipment and designer of end of -line solutions, we do not focus on environmentally friendly packaging material. We focus on handling of the packaged product.

In fact, at the beginning of the production line, all the value must be added to the product to make a finished product. But at the end of the line, all the value is added, ready to be sold to the customer. At Bakepack, we are fully aware of this fact, and therefore the waste of a product at the end of line has a relatively large impact on the company’s bottom line at the end of the day.

Our target as main contractor of the packaging line, is to minimize waste (in the full sense of the word) in the packaging field by adding our intelligent solutions to the packaging process.

Our competence is to design a production process that exactly fits the packaging line, by choosing the right size of the production line to the optimal packaging method.

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Joseph Clarke
Editor, International Bakery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920

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