Baker & Baker makes commitment on cage-free eggs

European bakery products manufacturer Baker & Baker has made a commitment to begin fully transitioning to cage-free eggs across its global sourcing operations.

From the end of 2027, Baker & Baker has pledged to be cage-free in its egg sourcing encompassing its entire bakery products portfolio.

Baker & Baker will be working with its suppliers to achieve this goal, and has set a three-year implementation window to do so. This represents a feasible timeframe for the business, due to the complexities of its egg sourcing requirements.

As a result, from 2028 onwards, Baker & Baker will only source eggs that have been produced in a barn or free-range environment.

Baker & Baker has proactively made this commitment due to the complex animal rights issues that are associated with caged egg farming, and the potential for harm to hens that are kept in a caged environment.

John Lindsay, Baker & Baker CEO, commented: “We currently source eggs based on a number of factors, including availability and customer preferences. However, we are seeing an increasing number of customers throughout Europe opt for free-range eggs, and so we are now taking proactive steps to fully transition away from caged eggs.

“We have a stringent code of conduct that we enforce with suppliers, and no evidence of animal mistreatment within our supply chain has ever emerged. However, removing caged eggs from our sourcing is in the best interests of our customers and consumers, and most importantly, in safeguarding the welfare conditions of hens.”

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Joseph Clarke
Editor, International Bakery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920

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