Italian food brand Crosta & Mollica expands its range of bakery products with the launch of four new authentic Italian Biscotti. The new range includes Crunchy Amaretti, Soft Amaretti, Chocolate & Hazelnut Baci and Almond Cantucci available to purchase at Tesco from 11 September.
“Despite being a nation of tea drinkers, the coffee culture is currently thriving in the UK and consumers are increasingly discerning about how they enjoy their cafè moment,” said Dean Lavender, Head of Marketing at Crosta & Mollica. “Be it first thing in the morning, as an afternoon treat or even the classic Italian post-dinner espresso – authenticity is a key player that consumers are considering, and with the new Crosta & Mollica Cantucci, Baci and Amaretti biscuits, every English household will be able to experience the essence of Italy in the comfort of their home.”
The Italian Biscotti range is made in Italy, according to the company, following traditional, regional recipes. Crosta & Mollica directly translates to ‘crust and crumb’ in English, reflecting the company’s origin in the bakery industry 13 years ago.
Crunchy Amaretti is made by bakers and twice-baked for a sugary crunch, the signature bitter taste is what gives the biscuit the name ‘Amaretti’; Soft Amaretti are sweet, small cakes with a bittersweet flavour and marzipan-like centre come from a combination of ground apricot kernels and almonds; Chocolate & Hazelnut Baci are made up of two hazelnut biscuits with a creamy chocolate filling and, finally, Almond Cantucci are baked until crisp and covered with almonds, made by a family-owned bakery outside Firenze and are a popular Italian cookie.
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