Cybake software implemented

Australian-based Palmerston Bakery is the first business in Australia to implement Cybake bakery management software. As a wholesaler that began as a hot bread shop in 1995, Palmerston Bakery can now produce up to 20,000 bread rolls a day.

“We had a bespoke system before. It was built specifically for us many years ago. It was a good system, don’t get me wrong, but it just wasn’t keeping up with the trends,” explained Bryan Seears, General Manager at Palmerston Bakery. “So, things like the weekly order schedule for customers in Cybake is a godsend for us.”

Mr Seears explained his reason behind choosing Cybake being control. “I think the big ticket is control. Control for our production team and admin. There’s just more control – it’s easier to access the information that we’ve got.”

Cybake, a cloud-based bakery software is utilised by retail and wholesale bakeries of varying sizes to process orders and automate production, invoicing, deliveries, e-commerce and more. Cybake opened for business in Australia in February this year, a move led by Development Manager Josalyn Price.

“As our first bakery here in Australia, it was a great experience helping to implement Cybake for Palmerston Bakery. Bryan is very knowledgeable and great to work with, so I got to learn a lot from him. Plus, it’s cool that our first customer is in the Northern Territory,” Josalyn said.

“It’s fabulous to be making this announcement. A big thank you to Palmerston Bakery for being the first to believe in our software,” said Jane Tyler, Managing Director and the software’s original creator.

“We’d had quite a few enquiries from Australia before we opened, and a strong inkling that there was pent-up demand for a cloud solution like ours. Turns out that we not far off in our thinking. We will be announcing more Australian users soon and now we are in discussions with bakeries in New Zealand too,” she added.

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Editor, International Bakery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920

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