Délifrance’s breakfast pain au chocolat

Bakery manufacturer Délifrance announced the launch of its Almond Pain au Chocolat to satisfy a growing consumer trend for indulgent moments in bakery.

As a traditional pain au chocolat style pastry with a chocolate and almond-filed centre, the new product is well suited as a morning breakfast treat or an afternoon snack. To further elevate its appeal, the Almond Pain au Chocolat is generously sprinkled with crunchy, toasted almonds, adding a textural contrast that complements the overall taste experience.

The announcement comes after the company’s own research into the breakfast market, which revealed how indulgence had gained significant traction post-pandemic. As a result, Délifrance has innovated to help operators appeal to a broader range of consumers, from those who like to treat themselves during the weekends, to the OOH breakfasters who seek more gratifying treat moments while eating out.

“Indulgence has become a prominent trend in the baked goods industry, with more consumers actively seeking out rewarding eating experiences,” explained Stéphanie Brillouet, Marketing Director at Délifrance. With an understanding of this evolving demand, as well as the rise in popularity of almond and chocolate pastries in artisanal bakeries, Délifrance is delighted to announce the launch of our newest addition, the Almond Pain au Chocolat – the ultimate indulgent delight to complement our premium viennoiserie portfolio. We look forward to seeing our latest bakery offering enhance eating experiences and leave a lasting impression among consumers.”

The product is now available via Délifrance from national wholesalers. Sold frozen in boxes of 60, the ready to bake Almond Pain au Chocolat is suited for food-to-go operators and retailers looking to elevate their breakfast menus and snacking options.

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