Délifrance’s latest Smart Guide to weather storm

Baked goods manufacturer Délifrance recently announced the launch of a new guide aimed at helping business partners overcome the four main challenges facing the foodservice industry currently. Recommendations and insights address price inflation, staffing constraints, standing out and social responsibility inside ‘Smart Guide: Time Saving & Low Budget Service Solutions’.

Packed with timely advice to help food operators do more with less while staying ahead of the competition, insights came about after the company researched over 40 foodservice customers across six European countries to understand how best to support their businesses. The guide is aimed at helping these operators drive their sales and enhance customer experience through pricing, menu optimisation and waste reduction.

Rising inflation means the number of consumers eating out are less and the average spend is decreasing. Rather than increasing prices or using lower quality ingredients in response, the guide includes recommendations for smart portions and meal deals, with recipes for small yet appealing light bites and snacks that suit tighter budgets.

As more consumers are concerned about environmental impact, the Smart Guide provides examples of streamlined menus with seasonal products catering for both budget and customer expectation.

To address the challenge of recruiting experienced kitchen staff, the guide also includes recipes for appealing, affordable dishes that less skilled staff can recreate.

“Although the foodservice sector is showing strong signs of recovery following the pandemic, operators are now facing a new set of difficulties. We wanted to know what we could do at Délifrance to make life that little bit easier for customers,” explained Stéphanie Brioullet, Marketing Director at Délifrance.

“We’ve done the research and they shared with us the top issues they’re struggling with right now. And we’re pleased to share our expertise in this guide full of mouth-watering recipes, actionable tips and low-cost solutions to help partners weather the storm over the coming year.”

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