FDF visits Zeelandia to discuss challenges

Zeelandia UK recently welcomed the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) team which included Karen Betts, CEO, to their Colchester Technical Centre.

The FDF has acted as a voice for the UK’s food and drink manufacturing industry for over 100 years, supporting over 1000 members to drive policy improvements across topics such as health, food safety, sustainabiity, trade, exports and employment.

During the visit, the Zeelandia and FDF teams discussed challenges and opportunities in the UK food manufacturing supply chain. It showcased how UK teams and parent company Royal Zeelandia Group have worked tirelessly over the past five years to continually innovate products and provide technical solutions to commercial bakers.

“It is very important for us to be a member of the Food and Drinks Federation because it brings the whole of the Food industry together to share knowledge and expertise while allowing us to adopt  appropriate standards and requirements to support customers and partners,” said David Amos, Managing Director at Zeelandia UK.

Following a tour of the Technical Centre, the team got a chance to get their hands floury with some focaccia baking and doughnut piping, as Zeelandia’s NPD Manager Andrew Taylor demonstrated how they typically work with industrial customers to test new ingredients.

The day finished with a mince pie tasting session, where the team shared how they look around the globe to identify the latest flavour and recipe trends to drive innovation in taste and texture for our customers.

“We’ve had a perfect time down at Zeelandia UK today, finding out about their priorities and the challenges the baking industry is facing while also getting beneath the service to see how they support the bakers to create brilliant mince pies, delicious doughnuts, tasty breads and more,” added Karen Betts, CEO of the Food and Drink Federation. “Rightly, the food manufacturing industry is competitive, but many of the challenges we face, from supply chain issues to the cost-of-living crisis, are shared challenges. The more we understand the member companies, the better positioned we are to help and support them.”

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Caitlin Gittins
Editor, International Bakery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920
Email: editor@in-bakery.com

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