Goodsam Foods new appointments

Goodsam Foods, a healthy snack food brand, has announced multiple new hires including Kari Janapareddi as its Director of Sales, Sara Galeano as Director of Sustainability and Ryan Siwinski as Director of US Operations.

Marcia Bell has also just started in the role of Chief Operating Officer as of March this year, after working for almost a year as a consultant.

“Taking on this role allows me to work with an incredible team, developing responsibly-sourced, sustainable supply chains in a direct-trade system that will contribute to supporting our planet,” Ms Bell said. “Our commitment to these choices will have a deep and lasting impact in the beautiful communities that have opened not only their farms to us, but their hearts as well.”

Kari Janapareddi, Director of Sales, is joining the company with over 12 years of CPG experience which includes seven years working in the chocolate category at Taza Chocolate. More recently she was the National Sales Manager at NuttZo. Sara Galeano, the new Director of Sustainability, has more than four years of experience in building and strengthening sustainable organisations. She has worked to improve living conditions of rural communities in Colombia with more than 30 agricultural associations in 12 regions of the country.

Ryan Siwinski’s on-farm experience at Tussock Sedge Farm, White Oak Pastures and Rodale Institute have helped him to gain extensive knowledge in regenerative agriculture systems, which will help him in his new position as Director of US Operations.

These announcements are part of the company’s continued global growth and team expansion worldwide. Its new international hire, Louise Kibugi, will serve as Executive Coordinator stationed in Nairobi, Kenya, effective immediately.

“There is nothing more exciting as a founder and entrepreneur than watching your team grow as the company grows. My vision for this company is extensive and will take a seasoned, forward thinking and diverse team to accomplish it,” commented Heather K. Terry, Founder and CEO of GoodSAM.

“Fundamentally upending the food system as we know it, investing and driving growth in regenerative agriculture will take massive alignment, action and an unrelenting commitment to sustainability and farmers. I believe we are shaping the team at GoodSAM Foods to take that challenge head on,” concluded Ms Terry.

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