Millers for Nutrition welcomes Bühler to better nutrition coalition

“We’re delighted Bühler has joined us as a Food Processing Solutions Provider,” said Riz Yusufali, Program Director. “As our millers continue to evolve, they need a wider variety of support services. Bühler’s world-class expertise will help enhance their business while improving food safety and nutrition.”

The coalition supports millers in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan and Tanzania in fortifying wheat and maize flours, edible oil, and rice. Fortification is the practice of deliberately adding micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to commonly consumed food to improve its nutritional quality, thereby improving the health status of national populations. The initiative aims to improve nutrition for 1 billion people globally by 2026.

“Food fortification is one of the most effective ways to address the long-standing challenge of malnutrition, which affects about 3 billion people worldwide. By joining the coalition, we aim to effectively address this issue,” said Stefan Birrer, Head of Business Area Milling Solutions at Bühler.
The coalition’s innovative approach connects millers to industry experts, suppliers, social enterprises, and other solution providers to access best in class technical assistance and specialized training on industry best practices. The support from partners not only improves the nutritional value of staple foods but also increases operational efficiencies and competitiveness of the businesses.

“Bühler’s teams in these countries can support on-the-ground implementation of fortification solutions at mills. Training is a key element in this journey, and Bühler brings in experience, processing solutions, experts, and a global network,” said Stefan Birrer. In Nairobi, Kenya, Bühler runs the African Milling School, which has trained over 1,500 students from more than 25 countries since its opening in 2015. In the last years, Bühler has also installed micro-dosers for adding nutrients to flour in milling plants worldwide. These examples highlight the substantial potential for impactful collaboration with coalition members.

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Joseph Clarke
Editor, International Bakery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920

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