SRSLY calls for supermarkets to tackle low carb

As SRSLY Low Carb can now add ‘exporting to North America’ to its CV, SRSLY Founder Andy Welch has expressed bafflement as to why the keto/low carb movement is slow going in the UK bricks and mortar retail in spite of its success online.

“What is beyond question,” said Andy, “is that the food & drink narrative changed after Covid-19 as large swathes of the public looked a lot closer at their eating and drinking habits, tracking down ingredient decks and recipes that improved both their physical and emotional wellbeing (gut health, brain health, protein intake), whilst rejecting excessive amounts of those damaging ingredients (salt, sugar & lazy carbs) and production processes born from convenience not common sense.”

The free-from aisle continues to grow, now valued at UK£3.4 billion category tackling a range of food intolerances (dairy, gluten or wheat) for a small proportion of the population who are intolerant, although a large number of consumers dip in and out of the category.

“We know that the NHS is increasingly leaning on low carb as an effective means of tackling obesity head on (45+ low carb clinicians within the NHS), whilst broadening its ‘in hospital’ offer, so has the time come for the supermarkets, food halls and delis that have been so pivotal in igniting our nation’s vegan and free-from solutions now do the same for better-for-you functional food, by building a credible standalone low carb offer from a number of the pioneering British food & drink providers already blazing a trail both online and overseas,” added Andy.

The global ketogenic/low carb movement is expected to exceed US$15.6 billion by 2026 with North America accounting for 44% of total sales. However, Europe is now the fast-growing sphere of keto/low carb influence with 32% growth forecasted over the same time period.

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