White Castle new snack flavours

White Castle Bites, inspired by the flavour of White Castle sliders, are new bite-sized snacks made with 100% beef and onions, wrapped in a crispy golden crust.

Castle Bites are rolling out in stores nationwide in the US with two new flavours, Hamburger and Cheeseburger. Packaged in two sizes – an 18oz standard stand-up bag and 40oz party pack.

The bite-sized snacks came about as the result of a collaboration between White Castle, an American hamburger chain and Bellisio Foods, a frozen food company.

“Castle Bites are a fun, new way to extend the Crave, offering a delicious option that meets the mark on distinctive taste,” said Lynn Blashford, CMO, White Castle, “In recent research, consumers have let us know they’re ready to try, and ready to buy.  Something they will soon be able to do at retailers across the country.”

“Snacking at home has continued to grow as consumers seek convenient and delicious options that fit within new schedules and routines,” added Steve Young, CEO of Bellisio Foods, Inc. “Bellisio is proud to utilise our more than 30 years of experience in frozen foods and in snack rolls to launch such an innovative product. We’re excited to build upon our partnership with White Castle, especially following the successful launch of the White Castle Chicken Rings at retail.”

White Castle, since opening its first restaurant in 1921, was the first fast food branch to launch a retail division in 1987. Thirty-five years on, the business is available in all 50 states.

Bellisio and White Castle also collaborated on Chicken Rings, which were launched in retail earlier this spring.

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Caitlin Gittins
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Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920
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