Breaking Bread – Max Weber

How did you end up working in this industry? 

I’ve had a passion for nutrition since a young age. My journey began with a career in sports, which naturally led me to sports nutrition. From there, my focus expanded to optimising nutrition on a larger scale, aiming to benefit everyone. It’s been an exciting path from the basketball court to the bakery. 

Do you bake? If so, what’s your favorite baked good to make? 

I dabble a bit in baking, mostly to experiment with our new product developments. I must admit, my results are mediocre at best. So, I prefer to leave the actual baking to the professionals and focus on what I do best: tasting. 

What is your favourite place to go and eat something sweet? 

I’m a huge cheesecake fan. When I turned vegan, giving up traditional cheesecake was tough, but I discovered some fantastic vegan bakeries and cafes in Hamburg. Nowadays, I’m not as strict with my plant-based diet, so I indulge in a regular dairy cheesecake every now and then. Balance is key! 

Who would you most like to meet, dead or alive? 

Kobe Bryant. As a former professional basketball player, I admired his incredible talent, but it was his work ethic and mindset, the Mamba mentality, that truly inspired me. His passing was a tremendous loss, as he excelled in everything he did and would have done in the future. 

How would you define success? 

This is a hot topic among my friends and me. I don’t buy into the common perception of success as merely having a house, car, money, or a job title. I believe success should be about happiness, having time for the things you love, helping others succeed, and giving back. Our world would be much better if we had a shared understanding of success rooted in these values. 

What job would you like to do if not this one? 

I love working in marketing and with food staples, but if I had to choose another career, maybe I’d be a sports commentator. Although, my pronunciation might be a bit of a hurdle! 

Describe your perfect Sunday evening 

My perfect Sunday evening involves a lovely stroll around the Alster lake with my beautiful wife. I know, it sounds a bit old-fashioned. Occasionally, I also enjoy a more lively evening at Berghain. It’s all about balance, right? 

Where would you like to go on holiday next and why? 

With summer just around the corner, we’re planning a trip to Slovenia for some hiking, followed by relaxation on the beautiful beaches of Croatia. It’s the perfect mix of adventure and tranquility. 

Who did you admire when growing up? 

As a kid, my admiration was scattered among various idols, but Kobe Bryant was a constant. Nowadays, I deeply admire my dad. His life embodies my definition of success – he always had time for my siblings and me, supporting us in everything we pursued. 

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Joseph Clarke
Editor, International Bakery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 920

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