Big Interview: Blake Anderson

International Bakery’s Editor, Roshini Bains interviews Blake Anderson, President & CEO of the American Dairy Products Institute to discuss the institutes influence in the bakery sector.

Q1) What is the background or history of the ADPI? 

The American Dairy Products Institute two oldest legacy organizations were founded in the early 1920’s in Chicago, IL USA. They were the Evaporated Milk Association (EMA) and the American Dry Milk Institute (ADMI). The third, the Whey Protein Institute (WPI) was founded in 1971. All were homogenized into ADPI during 1986-87.  ADPI was founded by members who had an interest in working collaboratively on a pre & pro-competitive basis for the benefit of their businesses and the broader industry.  That esprit de corps remains today. 

2)  How has the pandemic impacted the institute and its members? 

The pandemic has been a boom to some and bust to others depending on their industry positions, as ADPI’s membership is comprised of organizations from all aspects of the industry from all around the globe.  Suffice to say every cloud has a silver lining and all who survived the business continuity disruption are stronger and more flexible today than they were pre-pandemic.  The biggest positive is we all learned new ways of interacting through A/V technologies.  The biggest negative has been the decline relative to “in-person” interaction, networking, and relationship building. 

 3) Can you outline your mission statement and vision for the institute?  

 ADPI Vision is: To be the world’s “go-to” authority on dairy ingredients and related products. ADPI’s Mission is: To increase the world-wide use of dairy ingredients by marshalling the technical, manufacturing, and marketing resources of our members and others. 

 4) How integral is ADPI to the bakery industry in America? 

ADPI has been intrinsically linked to the baking industry in America from its original founding and establishment by its members for nearly 100 years as our Centennial Year will be in 2023.  The use of milk solids in backed goods whether wet or dried. Today it not just simple milk solids in baked goods but ingredients from all types of ingredients and related products including milk, whey, butter, AMF, buttermilk, cheese, cream and concentrated dairy flavors.  ADPI produces and publishes an annual Production and Utilization Study, that details these relationships and related trends. 

 5) How does the institute support its members? What types of “dairy” do you members manufacture? 

ADPI supports its members through activities under four strategic precepts: 1) Technology & Technical Expertise; Training, Education & Development; Market & Marketing Support; Marshalling Resources. ADPI members manufacture, sell/market, distribute, provide equipment and services to almost every dairy product known.  ADPI’s focus is on the dairy ingredients and related products part of their portfolios. 

 6) What does a typical day look like for the President of ADPI? 

Busy in serving our member’s needs, ensuring we are strategically relevant for members, engaging with other industry groups on issues and challenges, planning and organizing key events & activities, looking for opportunities where most see challenges, and otherwise Listening, Learning, Liaising in this exciting industry. 

Read more of the article here: January/February 2022 Single Issue form – International Bakery (

Media contact

Roshini Bains
Editor, International Bakery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922

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