Breaking Bread with Laurence Smith, Owner of Fatherson Bakery

International Bakery magazine speaks to Laurence Smith, Owner of Fatherson Bakery for its 60-seconds-with interview for July-August.

If you could change anything in the industry, what would it be?
Sustainable packaging is a must, but so too turning to nature and the usage of natural ingredients. The new consumer is looking beyond just taste, and while taste is essential, looking after and ensuring a greener environment and the ingredient journey which is as local as it can be, ticks the boxes. 

What three traits define you?
I am committed to anything I take on and seeing the job through. I am a team player and I always go the extra mile and sometimes that means finding new ways to achieve the objective. 

What is the coolest (or most important) trend you see today?
For me it must be sustainability as if we can all live our lives on this wonderful planet and only deliver positives what a wonderful world it would be. 

How do you define success?
For me success is not about the winning it is how we achieved the goal and as a team the way in which we worked together to deliver and share the success.  

What made you want to work for the industry?
The food industry is in my blood, and I have always had a passion to own my own business so what better than running a business with products I enjoy and, in an industry, where I have many friends and colleagues. 

What would you most like to tell your 13-year-old self?
Never give up it’s not what you know it’s how you use the knowledge and experiences you have. I have a 13-year-old son myself and I cannot say enough to him that if you want something enough then go for it but critically bring people on that journey with you as it’s much more fun and rewarding to achieve as a team! 

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?
It would have to be Sir Winston Churchill as for me in those tough times when tough decisions had to be made his leadership led the country to succeed despite having the odds being against us.

What’s your favourite aspect about working in the industry?
For me I enjoy getting out in the industry and meeting new people and hearing of stories and how different people and business have evolved over the years. I get a real sense of family within the bakery industry. Everyone I have met is there to help and support like one big family.

What was the best piece of advice you ever received?
My parents told me that you create your own opportunities as well as luck and with hard work and a can-do attitude you can achieve your dreams.

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?  

I would hope that I might have established the Fatherson brand as a recognised household name in the UK and started that journey in other international markets. For me I would also like to be giving back and able to contribute to the industry sharing my knowledge and experiences to help other bakers and business owners out there to grow and flourish. 

Image credit: Laurence Smith, Owner of Fatherson Bakery
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Media contact

Kiran Grewal
Editor, International Bakery

Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922

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