Breaking bread with: Liz Wilson

Get to know Liz Wilson, Owner/Founder/Baker of Ma Baker Bakery and Bread School:

If you could change anything in the industry what would it be?  

That micro bakers , those baking from home, are recognised as real bakers making a living and delivering to their communities., and making a difference. Bricks and mortar bakeries are not the only types of bakeries.

What three traits define you? What’s the coolest (or most important) trend you see today?  

Hard working, funny, generous. 

The concern about the planet, about the way we farm and about the way we eat. Not really a trend…essential. 

How do you define success? What made you want to work for the industry?  

Success is making a difference. 

I just love bread. I love the slowness of it, the magic of it, the results, the way it makes people feel.

What would you most like to tell your 13-year-old self? 

Ignore the naysayers and critics. Be you. You got this (even though you think you haven’t)

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?  

David Attenborough and Nigella.

What’s your favourite aspect about working in the industry?  

Without a doubt, the people I have met along the way. And, eating lots of good bread.

What was the best piece of advice you ever received?  

Be the best that you can be.

Where do you see yourself in five year’s time? 

I’m moving to Wales next week to set up a bakery, bread school and general foodie hub. So, in 5 years I hope to have roaring bread success up there. Lot of work to do first though. 


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Media contact

Roshini Bains
Editor, International Bakery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922

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