Britelli home pizza kits

Along with Barnardo’s staff and volunteers, Britelli’s  have spent the last six weeks delivering their home pizza kits, helping bring children, families and volunteers together to connect, make pizza, laugh and smile. It’s all part of the Kidsmas campaign to help raise significant funds that could make a huge difference to the lives of thousands of children and families.

Meet Emily:

One vital children’s service is the Barnardo’s Young Carers’ Service – which provides support to young carers like 11-year-old Emily from Wales.

Emily is a big fan of pizzas and was delighted when we sent her and her family one of our pizza kits, giving them an opportunity to enjoy cooking it and eating together.

She helps look after her two younger siblings who both have autism and said:

I had so much fun making the pizza and having a bit of time with my mum to cook one of my favourite dinners. I’ve been helping her look after Sophie and Joe since they were little, making sure they are ok and giving mum time to do normal household things.

– Emily, young carer

Young carers are defined as children who look after a family member who has a physical or mental health condition, illness or disability or misuses drugs or alcohol. Barnardo’s provides a young carers’ service that helps them have time out and talk with other children in similar situations.

Jon Hilder, team leader at Barnardo’s Young Carers Service said:

“Young carers have intrinsic roles within their family settings, and we try and help them reduce the impact of looking after their loved ones and give them time to enjoy their childhoods.

– Jon Hilder, Team leader

With so many responsibilities, young carers often miss out on opportunities that other children have to play and learn. Some young carers struggle educationally and can become isolated, with little relief from the pressures at home, but Emily is doing really well and achieving fantastic results in school, which her family are rightly proud of.


We aim to help as many young carers as we can and it’s great to be able to provide support to them. Emily’s family all had a good time together making and eating pizza!

– Jon Hilder, Team leader

Media contact

Roshini Bains
Editor, International Bakery
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922

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