ChickP shows the power of chickpea at FiE

ChickP Protein is meeting demand for natural, high-protein, plant-based nutrition bars and similar on-the-go, better-for-you products, as this nutrition market continues to grow. The company has developed a line of prototypes formulated by its 90% chickpea isolate to meet the requirements of active lifestyle consumers and will be showcasing it at the upcoming FiE event in Frankfurt, Germany.

On display at the trade show will be a range of granola-based creations including chickpea protein enriched cereal and energy bars. The samples are composed of nuts, seeds, oats, and green buckwheat, infused with a minimum 30% of the proprietary, 90% chickpea isolate. They are naturally mildly sweetened with honey and agave and are rich in fibre.

“Our foray into the active nutrition market was a logical next step for us,” explained Liat Lachish Levy, CEO of ChickP. “We’re attuned to the thriving demand for good-for-you nutrition snacks that contain rich amounts of plant-based protein.”

“The key challenge in fortifying energy snacks with vegan forms of protein, is avoiding a bitter aftertaste while retaining a crispy texture,” added Maor Dahan, Head of Development and Applications for ChickP. “Our chickpea isolate solves both challenges. It has a neutral flavour plus a fine consistency for seamless integration. Moreover, it is a complete protein providing all the essential amino acids, including naturally occurring branch-chain amino acids essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. This makes our 90% chickpea protein isolate the ideal choice for those seeking not just protein but a comprehensive nutritional solution.”

According to the company, ChickP pioneered the patented technology for producing the flavourless and odourless 90% chickpea isolate, offering manufacturers a natural, clean label and functional ingredient to suit a range of vegan, plant-based alternatives. It can be incorporated into dairy analogues such as ice cream and creamers, as well as cheese and even as an egg replacement.

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