Maria Nata launches traditional Portuguese tarts in the UK

Hailing from Portugal, Pasteis de Nata are one of the country’s most popular delicacies and are loved throughout the world. Now, Maria Nata, has launched into the UK to bring the best, authentic Classic, Mini and Vegan Natas to the masses. 

Perfect for bakeries, delis, farm shops or retailers looking to serve freshly-baked, authentic Natas with none of the hassle, Maria Nata is offering traditional Pasteis de Nata that are produced in Portugal and supplied frozen and ready for baking.

“Pasteis de Natas are becoming increasingly popular in the UK, but people now expect something authentic that tastes just like the ones they’ve tried in Portugal,” explained Antonio Carmona e Costa, Director of Maria Nata.
“These Natas are the real deal. They are made by Portuguese chefs, using natural ingredients and traditional methods; they fill the need for a quality product that is competitively priced and accessible to everyone – with vegan options also available. Plus, because they are frozen they help reduce waste and allow businesses to effectively manage stock levels. They also require no training to bake, but promise a delicious and consistent product every bake.”

Maria Nata originally launched in 2019 with the aim of serving Natas at events and food festivals, but when the pandemic hit the UK it added a wholesale business unit to expand its business proposal. “We’ve had to make a lot of changes to our business model and adapt to the changes brought about by the pandemic. We feel bakeries, independent retailers and coffee shops are the perfect target audience for our products and look forward to building our list of outlets over the autumn and winter,” added Costa.

After a soft launch into a range of independent and artisanal bakeries in the UK, Maria Nata is now launching its authentic, ready-to-bake Natas for retail in September and is  targeting wholesalers and independent bakeries who want to offer a traditional selection of Classic, Mini and Vegan Pasteis de Nata to their customers.
“There’s no one else offering Natas like these in the UK and we’re hoping to build our base of customers to ensure that customers can find these delicious products in bakeries throughout the UK. There’s over 5,000 independent bakeries in the UK so the scope is huge. We believe that Natas can have a similar story to Pizza – a traditional product that spreads around the world,” concluded Costa.

Image credit: Maria Nata
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Media contact

Kiran Grewal
Editor, International Bakery

Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922

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