Puratos UK launch sourdough made with Wildfarmed flour

Puratos UK recently launched a ready-to-use regeneratively farmed solution, in what it is calling a move to make sourdough more sustainable.

The innovation in its Sapore range of living and inactive sourdoughs, Sapore Sally, is a living sourdough made with regeneratively farmed flour from UK-based company Wildfarmed. The sourdough product has been designed to help large bakeries diversify their portfolios with locally-produced, sustainably-sourced sourdough products.

Sapore Sally can be used to naturally enhance the flavour of a standard bread or, when combined with a sourdough starter, adapts the flavour of sourdough bread.

Puratos’ launch of Sapore Sally signals its first step in bringing locally-produced ingredients, made with regeneratively farmed flour, to UK bakers. It comes in the context of British consumers becoming increasingly conscious about their food choices: 71% think that food made with local ingredients has a positive impact on the environment, according to the latest Taste Tomorrow research.

“Sourdough and natural fermentation is a passion at Puratos, and continues to grow in popularity among consumers. As part of our commitment to continuous innovation and responsible sourcing, we’re developing our successful Sapore range to cater to the evolving needs and values of conscious consumers – sustainability, naturalness and health,” explained Philippa Knight, Marketing Director at Puratos UK. “Our proprietary Taste Tomorrow research found that 68% of UK consumers now seek out food that has been produced sustainably and nearly three in five (58%) want to be informed about where their food comes from.

“With Sapore Sally, we deliver on this hunger for knowledge and thirst for transparency, offering natural, locally- and sustainably-produced ingredients. We are delighted to collaborate with Wildfarmed on creating this truly transformative solution, bringing nature to the forefront of the baking industry and making sourdough manufactured with regeneratively farmed flour far more accessible.”

Wildfarmed works with over 100 farmers across the UK and France who embrace regenerative approaches to improve farm biodiversity and soil condition. All Wildfarmed crops are grown without the use of pesticides, and growers, who all are independently audited, must adhere to a robust set of the Wildfarmed Regenerative Standards.

By deploying this sustainable farming method means ecosystems are restored and protected. This ensures the ability to produce food in the future is not diminished.

“The launch of Sapore Sally with Puratos provides bakers with a further way to incorporate Wildfarmed regenerative flour into their recipes, contributing towards our mission of ensuring landscapes across the UK become full of life once again,” said Rachel Stonehouse, NPD Manager at Wildfarmed. “Plus, by adding Wildfarmed flour to a product as part of this alive, slow fermented sourdough, it allows the complex and unique flavours and aromas of Wildfarmed flour to really shine through – resulting in products that taste better and are better for you and the planet.”

As well as working with Wildfarmed in the UK, Puratos is also developing products made with regeneratively farmed flour in Belgium, Italy, and Australia.

“At Puratos, we believe that the future of bread lies in the past,” added Philippa. “Consumer demand for traditional ingredients like sourdough shows no sign of slowing down, and the craving for natural, healthy breads is palpable. But we also need to look to the future and how we can lessen the impact that food production has on the environment. Sapore Sally is one such solution, acting as a springboard for more responsibly-manufactured bakery products and offering customers and consumers ‘seed to sourdough’ transparency.”

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