The proof is with Cater-Bake

Supplier Cater-Bake is now stocking retarder provers from Italian manufacturer, Gemm, which provides a range of dough proofer and heating cabinets suitable for the bakery market.

Retarder provers are used during the baking process and gently warm the dough in advance to ensure the required rise is achieved during baking.

The retarder provers from Gemm are designed to ensure that the product is ready for the oven at the right time and work around a timed programme to fit in with the schedule of the bakery.

They can also be programmed to control the proving cycle, setting the required temperature and relative humidity. This should help to reduce overnight work and save the end user time and costs.

As well as the strict timing programme, the retarder provers can control the cabinet humidity. The schedule is set up via a digital controller panel which is designed to ensure easy use.

Mark Hutchings, MD of Cater-Bake, said: “The Gemm retarder provers will have the product ready for the oven when you need it, with the strict timing system meaning bakes will not be over or under proved and the controlled humidity ensuring a quality finish.

“Because of the timed schedule set up in advance, the product can be held at a cold temperature overnight until the programme is switched to proving mode. As this is usually very early in the morning, the ability to set this automatically saves bakers having to get up earlier than they normally would to switch the prover on.”

The units are made entirely from stainless steel with a pressed interior for easy cleaning and uniform air distribution.

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